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Molly Jane

Kind Words  


Hi Molly, I just wanted to thank you for yesterdays session. It's almost 24 hours later and I feel you have given me the greatest gift, which my words could never accurately express how grateful I am or how much that one hour has shifted so much for me. What you do is an absolute gift and you have honestly given me so much peace. Your words and the way they landed and activated within me is something incredible. I have had readings and healings in the past but your words yesterday have changed so much for me in how I can now be, authentically myself, moving forward. Who I am is enough, no more searching for more which has been making my soul so restless in this physical realm. It was like you gave me the final piece of a puzzle that I have been searching for and now the picture is clear and complete. I know this world will continue to shift, change, evolve and it won't always be a comfortable journey but I know I will be okay. I feel like a death of my ego happened yesterday, and I am free. I will never not be appreciative for what was given to me yesterday in our session. Your light in this world is so needed and I can't wait to watch you continue to shine that everywhere. Thank you xx



Molly ✨ , you need to know how much of an impact your oracle session had on me.

In the eleven days since our session:

  •    I have finally edited the book I've been sitting on for six years
  •    I've written a pitch and synopsis and sent my book to a publisher
  •    I've landed my dream job
  •    I've been open about my feelings at work and my CEO has taken on my suggested actions for organisational culture change
  •    I've packed up my house to move to the city I feel happy in

... and every time I doubt my worth I remember the streaming tap of gold inside that I have to give ;)

Thanks again. You are amazing and I look forward to another session in the future if it aligns 🧡

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